

The Electro-Equiscope is an FDA-registered Class II diagnostic myograph device (Device ID K801459).  It is a complete pain management, rehabilitation & peak performance system, equipped with outstanding capabilities and performance. Utilizing a self responsive two-way fixed artificial intelligence communication system, Equiscope instantaneously calculates transcutaneous impedance and applies a corrective electronic impulse to meet a pre-selected nominal baseline, voltage or current. Correction involves a change input at microcurrent or currents in lesser magnitude. 
Electro-Equiscope utilizes the finest electronic technology in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.  It also works in combination with the ability to deliver precise muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and connective tissue stimulation and is designed to normalize targeted and localized tissue function. The goal is to influence reduction of pain, improved rehabilitation and tissue performance. Electro-Equiscope effects include global and local metabolic support, improved circulation, lymphatics, detoxification, pain reduction, relaxation, reduced emotional agitation, improved sleep, and improved organ function. 
“The Equiscope is a full medical support suite of neurological, musculoskeletal and metabolic applications easily used daily by practitioners in multiple venues and personally right at the home.” —Dr. Daniel Farrier, MD



The Electro-Equiscope is a highly advanced and unique instrument that can decipher abnormal tissue response.  A minute electrical current is administered through the skin and will adjust an electrical output back into the body. This corrective current normalizes and relaxes damaged tissue, thus allowing the body to return to homeostasis and heal itself. The therapy is non-invasive, non chemical, painless and is faster than traditional medicine.

Equiscope is targeted to reduce pain associated with, but not limited to, the following conditions:
·       Pain & Swelling
·       Relieve Discomfort
·       Increase Circulation
·       Reduce Inflammation
·       Increase Flexibility
·       Accelerate Recovery
·       Performance Enhancing
·       Support Detoxification
·       Smooth/Tighten Skin
·       Improve Sleep
·       Sense of Well Being
·       Inflammation
·       Traumatic Brain Injury
·       Arthritis
·       Joint/Ligament Injuries
·       Strains/Sprains
·       Sciatica
·       Headaches/Migraines
·       Neuropathy/Neuralgia
·       Edema

Equiscope promotes rapid healing

for any condition.



The use of electrical therapy in pain management has been around since ancient times. The torpedo fish was used to treat pain in ancient Europe. Gout patients were to stand on a torpedo fish in the surf until the pain subsided. Additionally the ancient Taoists who invented acupuncture, developed needling techniques to manipulate and introduce a mild static charge into the body by way of the needle. 
In the west, the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) came into use during the 1970’s and was developed for its non-invasive relief of chronic pain. Electrodes attached to affected areas would administer low voltage shock, stimulating the nerves and result in pain relief.
The TENS unit was born originally to bring pain relief to chronic back pain, migraines and gout, but became so effective that it became commonly used in hospitals, physical therapy and acupuncture practices. 
TENS and EGS (Electro-Galvanic Stimulation) use current in the 20 mA to 120 mA range to block transmission of neurological pain signals. The release of other neurotransmissions and endorphins are also stimulated for the relief of acute and chronic pain, however, there is little evidence for much Theraputic benefit beyond just “blocking pain.”

The Gate Control Theory

& endorphins

There are two theories that dominate the use of TENS and how it relates to pain and pain relief:
The Gate Control Theory and the body’s production and release of endorphins–the body’s self producing natural pain killers,  in varying amounts depending on circumstance and degree of pain experienced.  
The Gate Control Theory of pain developed by Ronald Malzack and Patrick Wall suggests by using TENS to  increase the volume of nerve signals from sensory nerves to the brain, the “pain” transmission or recognition by the brain will be blocked.  This blocking tells or “fools” the brain to believe the pain is gone.  
The body naturally produces endorphins in response to pain stimulus, and endorphins are produced in response to painful stimuli in nature. They are also produced by certain forms of electro-stimulation where the intensity usually produces muscle contractions. 



Science shows us that pain is volatile at best. Sensations of pain are more often than not, just  misleading symptoms, many times worse than whatever started the “pain” in the first place. The brain tunes this exaggerated warning sensation, and often results in a false alarm tendency that becomes chronic and more serious than original problem first generating the pain.

Because pain is completely generated from the brain, signals from tissue damage are just one of many examples of ways the brain can create the experience of pain. This is not to say that pain is always “all in your head,” or that we can think pain away.  But rather, that we do have neurological influence on pain and ways we can influence our pain… if we can understand how to. 
  • 100% of the time pain is an output of the brain. 
  • Pain is a decision or construct created by the brain based on threat perception. 
  • Evidence of tissue damage does not mean the damaged tissue is the cause of pain.
  • The brain has no “single” pain center.
The pain neuromatrix is pertains specifically to each individual, therefore a wide range of   variability in cortical areas become activated to produce pain, and is different for everyone.    
As such, the brain should be the target for treating pain or performance blocks.

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Two German scientists, Dr. Neher and Dr. Sakmann were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1991 for their discoveries in cellular function. They developed the Patch Clamp Technique which can detect electrical currents of a trillionth of an ampere in the cells surface membrane. All cells have between 20-40 ion channels. These tunnels or gates (ion channel) are what allow positive or negative ions, or charged particles to pass into and out of our cells. This passage of ions through the cellular membrane is how the cell functions and aids in the cells communication. 
Using the Patch Clamp Technique, minute electrical current passing through a single ion channel, can record how a molecule alters its shape, controlling the flow of current with just a few millionths of a second. This technique was developed for 7 years by Neher and Sakmann, followed by a decade of using their technique to describe the function and structure of ion channels, mainly in the brain. Through their research they found that each of the 100 billion cells making up the body’s central nervous system and brain, could interact with thousands of the body’s other cells. This was achieved through a relay system of highly specific connections through channels. This activity was directed through the relay system at the cellular level and not just chaotic happenstance. Before this work, no one knew how ion channels worked, how many there were, or what type of current they carried. 

So how does the Patch Clamp Technique work?

Imagine for a minute we have two sandwiches. The first is a simple bread and butter sandwich. The second is a bread and butter sandwich where we stuff olives into the slices of bread. The cellular membrane is the bread slice. The olives are the ion channels. If we pour olive oil over the first bread and butter only sandwich, the oil will just pool up on the bread. However, if we pour olive oil over the olive stuffed bread, in the places were the olives are, the oil can transfer from the surface of the bread down into the center with the butter. The cell’s membrane is similar to the bread slices of a bread and butter sandwich, with the olives acting as the ion channel pathways. The cell membrane regulates the entry of nutrients and food a cell needs for nourishment and the excretion of waste. Cellular communication is also regulated by the passage of charged atoms and molecules allowing passage of ions through the membrane. An electrode with recording capabilities is attached to a microscopic patch of the cellular membrane. Neher and Sakmann were able to electrically isolate a small patch of membrane and examine individual proteins at work. These proteins serve as the “tunnels or gates” for certain ions, and electrically charged particles are allowed to pass through the cellular membrane. They also found they could continue to gain access to the interior of the cell even after the patch was removed. The work and study carried out by Neher and Sakmann was groundbreaking and found a revolutionary way to study cell physiology, never before attempted.
The Nobel committee recognized that life begins through activating ion channels during egg fertilization, when sperm merges with the egg. “Membrane Potential” refers to the difference in the electrical charge inside and outside of the cell. During fertilization, the potential is changed to prevent other sperm from joining the now fertilized egg. This is just one example of many. Characteristic sets of ion channels belong to all cells and help them carry out specific operations or functions. 
The two scientists became determined to better understand how electrical current work in muscle and nerve cells. When research began to study how the Patch Clamp Technique would apply to nerve and muscle cells, and other cells in the body, they surprisingly discovered the same electrical activity was occurring in all kinds of cells and the ampere of electrical current required, was much less than previously believed.  The Patch Clamp Technique proved that by applying trillionths of an ampere to the cell membrane, the membrane could be activated electrically to open, take in nutrients it was previously unavailable to, and enable waste elimination that was previously restricted. In this way, instantaneously transforming a cell from degenerative to regenerative.

More on Cell Biology and how Equiscope enables the body to heal itself...

There are many pathways for electricity to travel within the body.  Subcutaneous and connective tissue, neurological, osteological and myological. Each cell, regardless of electrical pathway, has a particular capacity for electrical charge just like a battery. The primary molecule responsible for the cellular ability to hold an electric charge is cal Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is important not only to the cellular capacity for energy, but it contributes to the transport of energy for a cell to function and maintain homeostasis. This energy transport system uses sodium and other electrolytes to open the sensitive ion tunnels, or gates in the cellular membrane, for the passage of nutrients in and waste products out.  
It has been found that areas of the body manifesting pain, have ATP deficiencies. By applying a charge to the tissue, we can increase the body’s ability to naturally produce ATP, just like recharging a battery. As the cellular function increases through increasing the cells charge, there becomes less resistance for the flow in internal or external electrical energy. This means your body is then prepared to heal itself. The cell is now able to use the pre-existing onboard transport system facilitated by transmembrane movement of sodium, potassium, and calcium – into the cell as nutrient, and waste out – the body can return to homeostasis. Metabolic waste built up inside the cell collects as toxic concentrations, and this is when cellular degeneration occurs. 
ATP concentration levels are only positively affected by current ranging from 25mA to less than 5uA, as shown by the work of Dr. Ngok Cheng. TENS devices operate at a much higher level of output ranging between 20-80 mA, and these higher levels further deplete cellular ATP and metabolic function. Electro-Equiscope falls within the prior current range, thus allowing for the opening of the cellular tunnels or gates, for passage of nutrients and waste elimination. Toxic reactions can occur when a buildup of waste in the body cannot be properly excreted by our kidneys and other waste elimination systems.

When cellular toxicity occurs, many times the symptoms will include increased pain, headache, vertigo, light headedness, muscle spasms, nausea, distorted sense of taste, feeling of malaise, sweating and numbness. 


Bioenergetics is the study of energy flow in living systems, and is the part of biochemistry involved in the making and breaking of chemical bonds in the molecules that form living organisms. Another way to define Bioenergetics is the study of the relationship of energy transformations and transduction in living organisms.
The energy pathway systems in the body of both humans and animals, for the application of Electro-Equiscope, include but are not limited to direct and energy based systems such as metabolic systems, the brain, nervous system, paraspinal nerve roots, myofacial trigger points, muscle origin and insertion, dermatology, sclerotomes, acupuncture meridians, master acupuncture points, ting points, Voll points, and Chapman Reflex Points. Equiscope is used through various setups of accessories: probes, plates, cylinders, rollers, ect., interchangeable to complete a circuit of intelligent Bioenergetic current through any pathway in the body, on basic or advanced levels, by selecting specific pathways. For example, by asking “where does it hurt?” and placing the probe over the local direct area of discomfort. 



John Thorp designed and developed 12 standard systemic protocols with over 40,000 hours of clinical testing, observation and analysis. This system was developed for improving overall health for every individual. Each protocol can be tailored or advanced to conditions specific to an individual, by applying Equiscope to associating points and systems and adding stimulation to areas of most concern, pain or impedance. It is recommended, for optimal results, protocols be preformed 3x per week, consecutively for 4 weeks. 

Want to know more?

Source: Thorp Institute Technical Training Manual