


Starting at:

As a trained Equiscope technician, I perform a series of proprietary protocols designed by Thorp Institute of Integrated Medicine. These systemic protocols can be adjusted to the client for maximizing benefit and improving the body’s ability to heal itself in areas of specific concern. 

For the majority of individuals, the anticipated response of an accurately identified and diligently pursued course of Equiscope is as follows…

  • Improvement of range of of motion, strength and reduction of pain from 50-80% within 1-3 sessions. 
  • Accumulative improvement for complicated intractable pain syndromes requiring a comprehensive course. 
  • Improvement in chronic degenerative conditions that might be considered irreversible by other standards. Maintenance programs or “tune-up” sessions can provide improved lifestyle and or eliminate or reduce pain. The frequency of sessions are determined by initial response to the program.
  • For a full body wellness re-set we recommend a series of 10 systemic protocols designed by Thorp as a wellness system. 



  • The majority of individuals will show significant improvement in pain relief and improved function within the first session.
  • In most cases, the duration of improvement will be cumulative, nearly doubling with each subsequent session, once initial pain threshold has been overcome. This usually takes place within the first 10 sessions. 
  • It is possible for some individuals to experience a delayed response, and still experience improvement in pain relief and range of motion, within the following 8-24 hours. This is after the initial 1-3 sessions, when protocols are administered on consecutive days. 

Prepare for your session:

  • Equiscope is a complimentary modality. However, it is not a one and done “fix all,” nor should it be expected to be. I recommend individuals consider our work together as a 50 | 50 partnership.  Best results are attained with proper diet, nutrition, hydration and mindset. 
  • Ensuring digestive regularity, proper hydration and nutrition, is recommended to support the best results before, during, and after your sessions. 
  • Proper hydration requires drinking electrolytes and mineral salts. Drinking only water flushes essential minerals from the body, and is counterproductive for our work together. For an inexpensive electrolyte we suggest 1/4 tsp sea salt dissolved in a quart of water with or without a squeeze of fresh lemon. 
  • Mindset. Intention matters. Connection with a loving God or Higher Power as you understand it, will positively influence our results.

Client Intake Form

Please complete prior to your first scheduled protocol.

Please make protocol payments using Venmo.

Did you know...

The Electro-Equiscope promotes rapid healing, for any condition. From elite performance athletes to everyday ailments. Every age, body type ~ human or animal.

Systemic Protocols 


Used for pain, injury, tightness, numbness, tingling and or discomfort and any diagnoses under a practitioner’s supervision. It is also the initial protocol of this series of Thorp proprietary protocols designed as a wellness system.

Bilateral Spinal 

Used for acute, chronic, spinal related issues or overall wellbeing and self-healing. Often times it is the first systemic protocol performed in the series.

Governing Vessel

Used for acute, chronic, spinal related issues or overall wellbeing. It is a systemic protocol to be incorporated in every case at any stage of the program. 


Used for pain, tightness, numbness, tingling, discomfort and especially helpful for chronic issues and any diagnosis under practitioner’s supervision. It is typically the second protocol applied after the grid/bullseye.

Y-Probe Massage

Used as a 5-10 minute massage at the end of most protocols or as a stand alone protocol for a quick relief and tune-up.

Bilateral Hands and Feet

Used to stimulate the whole body and detox for chronic issues and overall wellbeing. It can also be used as the first protocol for individuals with sever chronic conditions. 


Used for acute, chronic, tooth or teeth-related issues and overall wellbeing. Client holds the handle of the Long Ball Tip Probe, and stimulates every tooth base along the lower jaw and then the upper jaw. 


Used for acute, chronic, ear or hearing related issues and overall wellbeing.


Used for acute, chronic, hand or foot related issues and overall wellbeing.

Lymph Drainage 

Used for acute, chronic, lymphatic-specific issues and overall wellbeing.

Ear Clips

Used either as a main protocol or shorter 5-10 minute relaxation protocol before or after a main protocol. It is also a protocol in this series of Thorp proprietary protocols designed as a wellness system. 

Guided Meditation 

Used for relaxation and as a guided-visualization and self-healing tool. It is an essential protocol in this series of Thorp proprietary wellness system protocols.

Questions, concerns?

Call or send me a text!