
Hannah Welk

When you’ve spent years living with constant physical pain, you get to a point where considering life without it feels futile.

I found Sarah in the summer of 2023, and if I’m being honest, my expectations were pretty low. I had seen many doctors who had told me that there were no other options, aside from surgery, to heal my body. The surgery that I needed would have had horrendous long-term effects, and was something I struggled to accept.

Trying equiscope was my last ditch effort. Within four months, not only had my physical body found stability and my pain had gone entirely, but my mental health had skyrocketed. I had found hope again!

Today, I am so grateful to be able to move my body and make plans for the future. I am forever grateful to Sarah for the tenderness she showed me at my weakest moments, and her persistence in encouraging me to press on and not give up. If you’re on the fence about whether to give equiscope a try, please, stop wasting time, there is a bright and beautiful world just waiting for you on the other side of your pain.

This really works.